All about the attitude

Okay, the workload for this program is really starting to eat me. I don’t know if I am overdoing things and researching/doing more than is required, or this is how it is supposed to be. I can only really work after my kids go to sleep, so from 8 to midnight I am on my computer working. Then, it takes me another hour to wind down and silence the thoughts churning in my head. Guaranteed a baby wakes up at least once maybe twice, and 5:45-6 am the babes are up. I am beaten to the core.

The group collaboration wasn’t so bad this time, but my group members were a lot less communicative than before and it really felt like we were all just doing our own thing. I started the Wakelet for our group and some girls in China had issues joining. I spent the hour I was at the playground with the girls trying to figure out how to get them in so they could work. Then it felt like everyone was coming to me with their questions on the assignment, but even I didn’t really understand what we were doing.

That leads me to the biggest issue of the week; the instructor. We have a new person for Module 3 and first impressions did not go well. Basically, it was orientation 2.0, preachy pedantic talk about grades, an unrelated video, and ZERO insight n the week’s assignment. The instructor forgot to assign the groups before he peaced out of the Zoom room on the dot. If anything I learned what a HUGE morale difference the teacher’s attitude makes on a class or assignment. For the first time, I didn’t care if I got a 4.0, I just want to get through it and move on.

So yeah, my submissions were meh this week. I feel like I did a TON of research and thorough analysis on paper, but we were supposed to make a vlog…and mine is not share-worthy. It was 20 minutes long, but I had to edit it to 8 minutes. That was rough. I really was so over it though, my usual zeal for perfection gone. It is what it is man.

SO let us hope this coming week proves better. I don’t ask for easy, just CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS, a communicative group, and please, no more vlogs!