Hello, my name is Leah and I am a licensed elementary educator working at a small foreign school in South Korea. I had the delight of obtaining my teaching license while being abroad.

My major in university was History and I minored in Political Science, so if you would like to waste a significant amount of time talking about early 19th century industrialization or political affairs, just let me know. I hope to expand my credentials to teach secondary grades the future, and obtain a Masters, but for now am focusing on primary teaching.

Many years ago I worked in healthcare, first as a nursing assistant, then in medical administration. After I graduated I moved to South Korea to teach English and pay off my student loans. Not only was I able to kick the debt, but I found that I really enjoyed working in the classroom. I also met my spouse, and we eventually started a family. After focusing on being mom, I am excited to be back at teaching!

I am not posting much as of late, but if you stumble across my page and have any questions about Moreland University (TeachNow), teaching at an international school, or life as an expat, feel free to message me. Thank you for visiting!